Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sylvia is on Womens's Radio!

Sylvia Allen is an author and PR Professional by day, but in her "spare time" she forwards a larger vision....to provide health and education to hundreds and hundreds of kids in Uganda, many who were orphaned by AIDS.

In the world, there are 18 million orphans due to the deadly disease; 15 million of these are in Africa, and most are in the sub-Saharan areas of Africa. This is the time of year when Sylvia makes her annual visit to her village in Uganda.

This year, she will be taking some 15 professionals/volunteers with her to serve the community in their areas of expertise, people who also have day jobs in education, medicine and more. Allen joins Speak Up! to talk about her new goals and what's happening to her kids in Uganda.

To listen to the interview, click here!

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