Friday, July 26, 2013

Christmas Trip Alert and Update

Christmas Trip Alert 


We leave on Thursday, November 14 in the evening.  We arrive in Entebbe, Uganda on Friday, November 15 in the evening.  The total cost of the trip is $2,500 excluding shots and Visa ... because air fares are, once again, rising dramatically, I will need to know by August 15 if you will be joining us.  

Basically we will travel to our major hotel on Saturday, visit Tekerah village so you can see a small village and school, and have dinner that night at the hotel.  Sunday we get up and drive approximately 40 miles to Mbiriizi where we go to church with the children.  It ends about noon at which time we go over to the school, have lunch and then start unpacking bags!  Sunday afternoon and into Monday we stuff 1,100 goody bags for the children with Mardi Gras beads, candy, pencils, crayons, sunglasses, stickers ...just fun stuff.  

On Tuesday we will probably hand out the dresses and shirts to the children and, maybe, the goody bags.  (If not Tuesday, the goody bags will be handed out on Wednesday.)  Wednesday we do Christmas cake, feed the children and then are entertained for the rest of the day.  If possible, we will go to 10 tables for dinner that night instead of at the hotel.  

Thursday we will go to the local Masaka market (if possible), do the ubiquitous picture at the Equator, shop at the Kampala market and then finish the day at Cassia Lodge where we have a delightful leisurely dinner.  Then, off to the airport for a flight that leaves at 11:30 pm, changing in Amsterdam the next morning and getting in Friday afternoon, the 22nd.

Speaking of trips ...
The summer trip was unbelievable!  Michele did a great job of planning Ugandapallooza which was held on Monday and Tuesday and EVERYONE joined in. Egg toss, three legged races, gunny sack races, sumo wresting and more.  Wish we could get the video of Tony and Vanessa doing Sumo Wrestling on YouTube ... it is hysterical!  And, what was great was that the children and ALL faculty joined in.  

We have a new headmaster ... Lule Adrian ... what a pleasure.  During his welcome speech he stated "It is our responsibility to guide the learners in order to develop that learner in body, mind, soul, character and personality."  He went on to say "we are a child-centered school ... it is the children that are important."  I couldn't say it better!  (Thanks to all who made this a wonderful trip!)

Wednesday was environmental awareness day and 400 of us went out into the village and cleaned up 20 blocks.  The kids are always so willing to work and do a good job!

Thursday was parade day!  Can you imagine three bands, 1,012 children, 45 faculty, nurse and 10 Muzungu's?  It was the most wonderful experience.  Geofrey sent us home early to "rest" as he was having tents put up and chairs assembled for the big tenth anniversary celebration Friday.  (If he ever wants another life he is an awesome event planner!).  And, he got the tents donated from the bank that they use!  Smart move!

Friday we did the orphans' birthday party, fed the children and then over 1,000 parents and guardians started arriving to have a meal and enjoy the afternoon.  Four hours of games, singing, dancing ... plus, of course, another cake!

Saturday, Sunday and Monday ... Paraa Lodge, Murchison Falls, giraffes, hypos, alligators and elephants ... a beautiful, peaceful respite before starting home.  All in all, another wonderful trip.

Thanks to the Hynes family, the clinic is almost done.  And, what a wonderful building.  Lydia, our nurse, has been moved from her teeny-tiny cubicle off the library and is temporarily set up in the infirmary in the clinic.  She can now handle up to 7 children! 

Hope for the City, which is graciously donating all the equipment and other items needed for the clinic, has sent the first half shipment with the second following in a month.  In addition, they have offered to come over and help us set it up!  This is all thanks to Jason Davis from KSTP-TV coming to our school last year.  Thanks, Jason.

Child sponsorship
We now have 250 orphans at the school in grades baby class, top class and P-1 to P-7 and 68 who are in secondary school (S-1 to S-6).  I hope you can find it in your heart to sponsor a child ... in the primary school it is only $1.00 a day and in secondary school it is $1.50 a day.  Please help us make a difference in these children's lives by taking them out of poverty.  These payments cover food, lodging, clothing, education and health care.

Christmas in July
Every year, during the month of July, we ask you for a donation so we can put on a Christmas party at the Mbiriizi Advanced Primary school in Uganda.  This year we need to raise $17,000 so that every girl gets a new dress and every boy gets a new shirt.  (Uganda has had a 25% inflation rate this year while people still live on $2.00 a day!).  You can do this on the Sylvia's Children website or give us a call and we will send you a form.

In case anyone asks ...
We always need sponsors for the children, we always need general donations; however, you can also go to and see the scrolling "needs list" down the right hand side.  Just click on the donate now button ... your payments are secure!

Joan Nakidde
Thanks to Vernoy Paolini, Shriners Hospital for Children In Philadelphia has accepted Joan as a patient to do her hip replacement.  We still have some hoops to go through but if all the paperwork  goes as planned (and we can get her a Visa) we can bring her back in November!   If anyone wants to make a donation for her airfare it will be gratefully received!  Plus, we can take her back in March when we do the medical trip!

Thank you ALL for your wonderful support of Sylvia's Children.
With your help we are making a difference!

Sylvia Allen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! it's really an advance Christmas plan. :)

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