Sunday, January 4, 2015

Time to go on the Medical Trip!

We need doctors, nurses, physicians assistants, dentist, worker bees to go March 12-24, 2015 to work at the Mbiriizi Advanced Primary School in Uganda, Africa. Dr. Jenna Fine, who went with us last year, is joining us again but we need at least 6 people to make this trip work. 

Geofrey, head of the school, wants to open the clinic to the village and offer free service during the time we are there. Great idea BUT we need the medical personnel to do just that! 

Here are the basics of the trip:
Dates: March 12-24, 2015 
Cost: $3,500
This includes round trip airfare from Newark to Uganda, all transportation costs (driver, guide, car, etc.) during the trip, lodging and food, a three day safari ... in short, all expenses paid. 

The only money you need will be for souvenirs and trips for hotel staff and other service personnel. Can you join us? And, if you can't but want to underwrite a nurse to go, I have one on a waiting list ... she just can't afford the $3,500. 

PLEASE consider this request. Of all the trips this is the most important from a health standpoint ... we have saved lives ... what more reward could you ask? 

The medical clinic is done and we have added a four unit mini-hospital so we can handle child births. One of our nurses is a mid-wife so Geofrey is getting permission to do that. They have a complete staff and are turning a small profit. Remember my original plan ... to teach them how to be entrepreneurs and how to be self-reliant? They are on their way. Here is a picture of the completed clinic!


Do you buy from Amazon? If you do they will donate to Sylvia's Children if you tell them to. Just click the Amazon Button on the right. It is really easy! 

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