Friday, October 2, 2015

Expansion of Sylvia's Children's Library!

In 2010, Mr. Ken Melrose donated to Sylvia's Children to start the school library. 

His generous support  made it possible for our children to expand their learning outside Uganda and into the world!

The Ugandan Educational Authority is working with us to upgrade our textbooks, again.  

The total cost to do so is $10,000. Luckily, Susan’s Space, a non-profit that deals with literacy, has just given us $5,000 which leaves us with only $5,000 more to raise. 

We will soon start our new campaign to continue Mr. Melrose's 2010 initiative to support our mission to provide our students the tools for a better education.

We deeply appreciate our supporters like Ken Melrose without whose generosity we would not be able to meet our high standards.

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