Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Update from Sylvia

1. Medical/Christmas Trip
The medical trip has been postponed until November when it will be combined with the Christmas trip.  The dates are November 10-22, 2016 and the cost is still only $3,500 leaving from Newark. 

This Christmas trip will have a safari at the end as contrasted with previous years when all we did was go and put on a GREAT Christmas party!

Please let me know if you would like to go.  Desperately need a doctor and a dentist ... spread the word and help us get one of each!  The Globe University School of Nursing is providing the nurses for the trip.

2.  Jersey Shore Wine Festival
June 11-12 we are having the 6th annual Jersey Shore Wine Festival which benefits Sylvia's Children.  

You can go to for details.  We have 12 wineries so you get to sample in excess of 100+ wines plus enjoy great music and see outstanding crafters!  It is at the Lakewood Blue Claws stadium and promises to be two days of fun (12-5 pm both days ... tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door ... order from Eventbrite.)

3.  Dirty Shorts Brass Band
This is a fun one!  These folks called me and said they wanted to do a concert at my building in Aitkin, Minnesota (it has an opera house where Judy Garland got her start in 1925!).  And, we are doing it as a fundraiser ... it is Friday night, March 11, from 7-9 pm and if you are in the area, come on out!  They are a delightful group ...

4.  Student advancement
This news, of course, is the highlight of the newsletter.  We have 1,024 children in the school, another 127 orphans in secondary school and 25 orphans entering technical school and/or college!  When you realize that only 20% of boys and 17% of girls go beyond P-7 we are making a difference!

5.  Matter More (formerly Hope for the City)
Starting September 2014 Matter More (which you remember as Hope for the City) wrote us a long e-mail (after visiting our school and clinic) detailing all that they were going to do for us.  They were amazed at what we have accomplished and were surprised at how professional we were and the quality of our facilities.

Finally on September 15 , 2015 a container was shipped.  It is now held up because some of the equipment they gave us is out-of-date and does not comply with Ugandan criteria.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that this container is finally released.  Of course, every day they keep it they charge us storage charges!  Quite a depressing experience.

6.  Chickens
Oh surprise, the chickens do die!  We need to raise $3,000 to buy 2,000 more chickens which, as you know, provide protein for the children through the eggs but also give us product to sell at the market.  If anyone wants to help with the chickens it would be great.

7.  Child sponsorship
We continue to need sponsors for the children, particularly with 25 of them  now in advanced education.  I hope you can find it in your heart to support a primary school child ($360/year), secondary school child ($500/year) or college/technical school ($2,000-4,000/year).

8.  Monmouth University
Last, but certainly not least, our exhibit was --- once again --- a tremendous success.  Thanks to Vaune Peck and Robin Mama for making this a possibility.  If you know of any area (college, university, public space) that would like to have this exhibit, please let me know.  Just give me a contact and I will follow up.
Thank you all for your love and care and support over the years.  In 13 years we have made a difference because of you.

Sylvia's Children, 89 Middletown Road, Holmdel, NJ 07733  

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