Monday, July 10, 2017


I hardly know where to start so much has happened and is happening! Six of us went to Uganda and, first of all, enjoyed wonderful weather! 60-80 degrees each day and limited humidity. It was a great respite from the weather we have been having here in New Jersey. Contrary to perception, Uganda has wonderful weather!

Here is the update:

1. We have 42 pigs in our pig farm. You can always donate $50 to buy a pig which then can be sold either for breeding or eating.

2. We have 8,000 chickens but 1,000 have reached the end of their egg laying so we need to replace them. You can buy two chickens for $5!

3. We need an x-ray machine and an ultrasound machine. If you know of any hospital that is upgrading their equipment I would love to get the machines and get them over there.

4. We met with Peter Kiggundu who is the CEO of Ruth Gaylord Hospital in Kampala. He also needs x-ray and ultrasound so see if we can find two of each.

5. I also have permission from Peter to pursue getting interns for his hospital and we would share them (we need three ... two would be in Kampala and one at our school on a rotation basis which would give them two months of big city and one month in a village.)

6. We visited St. Bernard's school where 150 of our orphans are going to secondary school. It was so exciting to see children that I have know throughout their school years! The most exciting aspect is they want to go on and have careers. (We already have 50 in college/technical training!).

7. Met with the Masaka Rotary to solicit an endorsement from them so the Rotary that I belong to in Minnesota can undertake raising $100,000 for the school. If we raise $65,000 through our district, International will match up to 50%. I have sent them to see the school and will follow up shortly.

8. We have 500,000 coffee tree seedlings that can be sold once they get a certain height. We are also growing mango trees ... Geofrey is quite the entrepreneur. 

Now, in spite of 90 degree weather here, it's time to start planning the Christmas trip. The dates are November 9-21 and we put on a Christmas party for the children as well as giving every girl a new dress and every boy a new shirt. 

By the way, we are doing our annual Christmas in July solicitation. if you wish to donate just go to our website ... And, if you want to know the REAL meaning of Christmas come with me ($3,700 if you are flying with us out of Newark). Just e-mail me if you want more information and I will send the complete itinerary. (This is the Christmas Cake ... we serve 1,000+ children and staff Have a great summer and considering going with us at Christmas. And, thanks for caring about these children.

brandt birthday

Sylvia's Children | 89 Middletown Road | Holmdel, NJ 07733 |
Sylvia's office: 732-946-2711 | Sylvia's cell: 732-241-1144 |

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