Sunday, September 23, 2007

Great News From Sylvia

Today was a VERY special day ... Tony, Claire, Joe, Doug and I had a whole church service to promote Sylvia's Children! (Michele was racing, but did all the graphics and display boards which were wonderful.) And, we served an African dinner and sold many of the Ugandan pieces that we were given by the school. The total money was $11,130 with one check for $10,000 to be used in any way we see fit!

This covers the land that we purchased and I have HOME AWAY FROM HOME ACADEMY raising 1,000,000 pennies which will give us $10,000 for the books! Now, we need to get 123 of the children sponsored. Michele has been working on the brochure and her friend will be sending me a final pdf that we can print in 8-1/2" x 14" which I will then forward to you for printing. She is also having them printed and I can send some to you.

Special thanks to our wonderful travel agent - Sally - who made the rice and beans for today's feast! Thanks, Sally, for your love and kindness and generosity. And Doug is vindicated ... everyone LOVED the Matoke which he made!

Lastly, Tony has applied for a grant from Met Life for books for the library. It will be anywhere from $250 to $1,000 ... keep your fingers crossed it's the top number!

Thanks to all of you for continually thinking about and helping Sylvia's Children.

With love, Sylvia

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